
This package allows to facilitate the creation of a list of providers in SLIMS. These providers can then be linked to contents (field included) or any other records to add context.

It includes the following fields to be filled out on each provider: Provider number, Description, Address, City, Zip code, Country, Website, E-mail, Phone number, Contact person.

How to use the package

Reference data type Providers will be available in the Reference Data module in SLIMS once the package is installed.

All the providers used by the lab can be registered in the Providers reference data with all their meta data.

A Provider can then be linked to each content created in SLIMS using the provided Dynamic choice field.

Where to Look Next

These references have further information on how to configure or use the package contents after the initial installation and integration.

  • SLIMS Administration Manual:
    • Miscellaneous > Reference Data
    • Miscellaneous > Fields